Leaving everything behind
You come along with me,
In my ignored barren heart
Sow seeds of love therein;
Grass of hope spreads
Desert of loneliness shrinks,
Who is the question for all?
Wife is the answer for all.

Wanted to grow quickly
Now want to be child again,
This world rudely denying it
Tagged me as grown man;
But with you oh my dear
I am free to be insane,
Who is the question for all
Wife is the answer for all.

You share my every stress
If untold ask again and again,
Force as if you're mom
Upset as if you're friend;
People make jokes on you
You save me becoming a joke,
Who is the question for all
Wife is the answer for all.

My life so far was good
You made it much better,
Bearing the deadly pain
Give birth to a child later;
I was happy to have you
Now I'm blessed to have you,
Who is the question for all
Wife is the answer for all.