Inside your tummy
Oh my dear mummy,
I roll and roll hard
Jump low and high;
Few punches there
Few kicks here,
Want to get out
See the outer world.

Out here now I am
All amazed, All surprised,
I get to see this
From your lap;
Slipped a little
Then toddler's way,
I put my first step
From your lap.

The world lures me
As I go further away,
Built my own world
Own my own home;
From morning to night
I toil hard,
Just to get that peace
Peace of your lap.

Tired and all out
Now I am back to you,
Come mom, make me sleep
Make me sleep deep;
My house is nothing
Nothing compared to lap,
Ya the lap, my home
Home of my Mom.

Happy Mothers Day

Dedicated to my, yours and to every mother. Your first and true love, Your Mom.
